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​A Day with Fred: My Journey to Chez Fred

​A Day with Fred: My Journey to Chez Fred

Posted by Mark Petrou on 3rd Oct 2024

When you get the chance to spend a day with the Boss and the opportunity to visit Chez Fred – it’s too good an offer to refuse…

Sadly due to scheduling issues and various commitments on all sides, this trip had been postponed a few times but we got there in the end. I agreed to drive across country instead of south in the opposite direction to Bournemouth for 2 hours to rendezvous with Stelios so that we could share the journey there. I jumped into his time machine (Fiesta Van) and held on for dear life on what can only be described as a bare knuckle - underwear spoiling game of rubbing bumpers with the car in front for 120 miles. Once we touched down, I kissed the tarmac like the Pope on a state visit and composed myself.

I’ve been a fan of Fred Capel since I were a lad. He won fish and chip shop of the yearway back in 1991 – when I was still (just) a teenager. He had “chef “credentials and mentality. Fred added credibility to an industry that was considered a poor relation to real catering by the tall hat brigade. His shop set the bar, the bench mark – the standard that others could aspire to and it was really really good.

I followed his rise and career but didn’t get to meet Fred in person until some time after his win, when he opened a shop much nearer to me called White Caps in Barnet - North London. Fred was generous with his time, very open and welcoming, even though he was not happy with the shop at the time due to the fact that he tried de-skill it from a product point of view (without success - he just wasnt happy with it). He was very honest about it all, but to me it was all still amazing.

The most recent visit of mine was a social call to catch up with Fred, sample the best battered Hake ever and invite him to do the Ceres Past Master Podcast with me - lets face it, my series just wouldn’t be complete without his contribution being recorded. I am pleased to say he has agreed and you might be able to hear it soon.

As the years have rolled by, Chez Fred has remained the front runner and the standard without ever trying to. Fred has never tried to prove anything to anyone. He is just Fred. His attention to detail, determination to never rest on his laurels andhis pursuit of perfection is just part of his DNA. I know this because his children have it too. His team of staff have been schooled and taught it but Tom and Sophie were born with it.

Over the years, we’ve met many times since. Fred is genuinely a nice bloke. I think I can call him a mate. He always shares his knowledge.

I've visited Chez Fred far more times than Fred knows.

Over the years, Fred continues to strive to be better. He has achieved something so rare at Chez Fred. Familiarity as a customer that makes you feel as though you’re a regular even if you’re not. Chez Fred is your chippy from the first visit but it’s never over familiar. The hospitality is polished and perfect. It’s an eating experience that scores 10 for taste, value, quality, flavour and service and as soon as you’ve left, you start to look forward to the next time you can come back..

This article is brought to you by guest contributor Mark Petrou from Petrou Bros in Chatteris, winners of Fish & Chip Shop of the Year in 2006. You can also catch Mark on the Ceres Podcast—tune in for more industry insights and inspiring stories!
