We're here to help - if you cant find what you're looking for please contact us with
your question and we will happily respond within 24 hours.
How do I place an order?
You can order your item through this website. Select what you would like, add it to your cart and complete the purchase. Please click here to contact us by completing the form or by telephone on 0845 3711 522 if you have any questions or need support.
Can I order over the phone?
We do not accept orders by email or phone. Our website is easy to use and works on all platforms. You can contact us if you have any questions or need support.
Can I purchase Ceres products from a wholesaler?
Yes, you can purchase selected Ceres products from wholesalers. Visit our wholesalers page to see our list of approved distributors.
Do I need to give you my mobile number and email address?
We recommend providing a mobile number and email address when placing your order. This allows our courier partners to send tracking details and delivery notifications..
Can I order samples?
Yes, We're pleased to offer free samples exclusively to commercial food businesses within the U.K. To order your samples, visit /samples/ . You can only order free samples once; please email us at info@worldofceres.com if this causes a problem.
Can I order samples if I am not based in the U.K.?
Yes, for our international friends, we're also happy to provide free samples, though please note a delivery surcharge will apply. Please email us at info@worldofceres.com to enquire.
Why can't I see any prices?
You will need to login to see all prices. An online profile is completely secure, free and takes minutes to sign up.
Can I buy in bulk?
You can purchase anything from one item up to multiple pallets of Ceres products using our online shop.
Will the driver pack away my delivery?
With pallet deliveries, the drivers will try to get your goods as close to your property as possible. If they can bring it even closer or inside, consider it a kind gesture on their part but not standard practice.
Do you offer any discounts?
Discounts are based on volumes. The more you purchase, the cheaper the shipping is for us, so we pass on this discount to our customers. We send monthly offers in our newsletter so be sure to keep an eye out in your inbox for these. Click here and scroll to the bottom of the page to sign up to our mailing list.
I have made an error with my order, can I change it?
Contact us as soon as you notice an error, and we will do our best to assist you.
I'm not sure how to use one of your products, can you help?
Yes, we would be more than happy to assist you. Contact us with details of which product you would like help with.
Do you have any recipe suggestions that can be used with Ceres products?
Yes, we have hundreds of articles and recipes to help you. Feel free to search and browse our recipes for some ideas.
How can I provide feedback about your products?
We would love to hear your thoughts on our products so we encourage all customers to leave a review on our website. Alternatively, you can contact us with feedback you would like to give.
Do you offer any demonstrations?
Yes, there is nothing we love more than providing demonstrations on the best way to use our products - click here to book us in.
Can you create bespoke products?
Yes, we need to meet and understand your product and technical requirements. Once we know this, and your volumes, we can develop a truly bespoke product for your needs. Please contact us to enquire about our bespoke services.
Contact Us
For further assistance, reach out to us at info@worldofceres.com.
Details of our shipping and returns policy can be found by clicking here.
Ceres will not be liable for any damage caused by the information on this website; we are here to inspire and inform, but always do your own research.