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​Combatting Illegal Deforestation: UK's New Supermarket Regulations

​Combatting Illegal Deforestation: UK's New Supermarket Regulations

Posted by Emma on 12th Dec 2023

The UK Government is taking a firm stance against illegal deforestation by prohibiting supermarkets from selling products containing palm oil, cocoa, beef, leather, and soy sourced from illegally deforested lands.

Environment Secretary Steve Barclay announced that this initiative aims to reduce consumer-driven damage to vital habitats and endangered species.

Under the new regulations of the Environment Act, businesses with a global turnover exceeding £50 million will face a ban on commodities obtained from illegal deforestation. These companies must conduct thorough due diligence on their supply chains and provide annual reports.

However, environmental groups advocate for broader measures. Friends of the Earth urges the inclusion of all high-risk commodities like coffee, rubber, and maize. Clare Oxborrow, a forest campaigner, criticises the law for its narrow focus on illegal deforestation and its limited scope, affecting only the largest businesses.

WWF Chief Executive Tanya Steele acknowledges the legislation as a crucial first step yet highlights that it addresses only a fraction of the deforestation issue.

Steve Barclay, speaking at the Cop28 climate summit in Dubai, emphasised the devastating impact of illegal deforestation on wildlife and global forest loss, equating to around 30 football pitches per minute. He stressed the role of this legislation in ensuring responsible business practices and empowering consumers to make eco-friendly choices.

The spotlight on palm oil reflects its ubiquitous presence in everyday products and its significant environmental toll. Recent research revealed extensive damage to the Amazon rainforest, largely unnoticed, emphasising the urgency of such measures.

We welcome your thoughts on this critical environmental initiative. How do you think these measures will impact your shopping habits? Please share your views in the comments below.
