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​Opinion - Burger Boom or Bust?

​Opinion - Burger Boom or Bust?

Posted by Stelios on 21st May 2024

The enduring appeal and ever-growing financial influence of burgers in the UK's fast food landscape make for a compelling study of consumer trends and business strategy. Andy Li, CC0, via Wiki … read more
Opinion ​- Britain's Welfare Dilemma

Opinion ​- Britain's Welfare Dilemma

Posted by Stelios on 2nd May 2024

In a recent speech, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak laid out a "moral mission" to overhaul the U.K.'s welfare system. He cautioned against the excessive "medicalisation" of everyday life challenges and … read more
​Opinion - The VAT Threshold Dilemma

​Opinion - The VAT Threshold Dilemma

Posted by Stelios on 30th Apr 2024

As someone deeply interested in the intersection of small business development and tax policy, I've been following a concerning trend among small British enterprises. An increasing number of these … read more
Opinion - ​Who Pays for Thames Water Crisis?

Opinion - ​Who Pays for Thames Water Crisis?

Posted by Stelios on 1st Apr 2024

In the unfolding drama of Thames Water, a crisis threatens not just the future of Britain's largest water company but the very principles of utility regulation and consumer protection. As a consume … read more
​Opinion - Surge Pricing Like Your Uber Fare

​Opinion - Surge Pricing Like Your Uber Fare

Posted by Stelios on 5th Mar 2024

Imagine a future where the price of your fish and chips fluctuates based on the time of day. This future is closer than it might seem. The concept, known as "dynamic pricing," has made headlines wi … read more
Opinion - The Risk of Featuring Rivals in Ads

Opinion - The Risk of Featuring Rivals in Ads

Posted by Stelios on 5th Feb 2024

Let's talk about something I've noticed lately that's been quite puzzling: major brands featuring their competitors in their advertising campaigns. It's an old tactic rooted deeply in the playful j … read more
​Opinion - The Power of Accountability

​Opinion - The Power of Accountability

Posted by Stelios on 30th Jan 2024

At the end of January, business people in the UK face a critical deadline: self-assessment taxes are due. Recently, while chatting with a client, it became evident that they hadn't prepared for thi … read more