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Episode 139 - Reading The News with David Nicolaou

Episode 139 - Reading The News with David Nicolaou

Posted by Emily on 10th Jan 2024

In this episode of the Ceres Podcast, Stelios discusses the hospitality news with David Nicolaou from Auckley Friary.

They discuss the following topics:

Significant Fine for London Bar After Hazardous Incident

Tiger Tiger, a popular bar and nightclub in London's West End, was fined £120,000 for serving caustic soda instead of salt with tequila shots, leading to the hospitalisation of four customers. The incident highlighted the importance of strict safety protocols when handling hazardous substances.

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UKHospitality's Blueprint for the 2024 General Election

UKHospitality, a leading trade organisation in the UK, has outlined its key priorities for the 2024 general election, focusing on the hospitality sector's challenges and the need for government intervention. CEO Kate Nicholls emphasises the importance of placing hospitality in policy discussions with all political parties.

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HMRC Sharpens Focus on the Hot Food Sector

The HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) targets the hot food and catering industry with a VAT compliance campaign, focusing on approximately 4,000 traders suspected of under-reporting sales. They contact around 500 accountants representing these traders to ensure tax accuracy and compliance. The campaign relies on data from card payment providers and online food delivery services to verify tax returns.

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Chick-fil-A's Sunday Closure Policy: A Crossroad of Faith, Business Ethics, and Government Intervention

Chick-fil-A faces a dilemma due to proposed New York legislation requiring food businesses at rest stops on Interstate 90 to stay open on Sundays, conflicting with Chick-fil-A's long-standing practice of Sunday closures rooted in Christian faith. The bill has sparked a heated debate, with some arguing it's necessary for travellers and others seeing it as an infringement on religious liberty.

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