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Unlock the Secret to Profitable Beer-Battered Onion Rings!

Unlock the Secret to Profitable Beer-Battered Onion Rings!

Posted by Nick on 14th Aug 2023

Are you looking to dazzle your customers and bottom line? Dive into the world of these easy-to-make, high-profit beer-battered onion rings. They are a snap to whip up and fly out the fryers – making them the ultimate win-win for any restaurant or takeaway menu!

Why These Onion Rings Shine

Every bite is a delightful crunch wrapping a succulent, sweet onion – With our unique cheats, you'll achieve perfection every time.

Top Tricks

Natural Batter Mix - Instant consistency and a best friend to lagers.

Pre-Dusts - Choose Pre-Dust Number One or Two. It offers a textured surface for better batter adherence and secures the seasoning beneath, minimising frying medium damage.

Dried Yeast - Enhance the beer essence without turning to a robust dark brew.

Lager - Keep it simple and light! Consider options like Heineken, Carlsberg, or Aldi's Sainte Etienne Premium Lager Beer.

Cayenne Chilli - This mild powdered chilli seamlessly integrates into your batter, giving a gentle kick without overpowering.

What You Will Need

Ingredients Quantity
Large White Onions As Needed
Natural Batter Mix 1.25kg
Pre-Dust Number OneTwo As Needed
Cold Lager 2 Litres
Dried Yeast 5g
Cayenne Chilli Pepper 2g
Salt 2g

Easy-Peasy Steps

1. Cut the onion into rings. Place in a tub and freeze solidly for at least 1 hour (can stay frozen for up to a month).

2. For the batter: Mix dried yeast, cayenne chilli, and salt into the lager. Stir in the Natural Batter Mix until well combined, achieving a dense consistency. Note: It's okay to have some lumps; the batter should be thicker than the usual fish batter.

3. When frying time comes, toss the frozen onion rings into either Pre-Dust Number One or Two, dunk into the beer batter, and fry until golden and crunchy.

4. Serve while hot!

Bonus Tip - Elevate the experience with our Homemade Roasted Garlic Mayonnaise on the side.

Now, with this killer recipe in your arsenal, your customers' satisfaction and profit margins are set to soar!
